Rules for the Good parent

This article is also available in Italian.

I suggest you print it out and hang in a visible place so as not to forget:

  • You do not spoil me!. I know that I should not have all that I ask. I just want to get tested.
  • You do not be afraid to be strict with me. I prefer it. This allows me to understand what I am good.
  • You do not use force with me . This teaches me that power is all that counts. I will be more willing to be guided.
  • You not to be incoherent. This disconcerted me and forces me to make every effort to have won as often as I can.
  • You do not make promises. you may not be able to retain them. This would reduce my confidence in you.
  • You do not surrender you to my provocations when I say and do things just to embarrass you. Because I will try to have more victories like.
  • You do not be too upset when I say “I hate you”. I do not mean this, I do so because you are sad for what you have done me.
  • You do not make me feel smaller than I am. I would try to behave like bigger than what I am not.
  • You do not do to me things I can do it alone. This makes me feel like a child and I could keep you from my service.
  • You do not do that my “bad habits” take much of your attention. This encourages me to continue with them.
  • ou do not correct me in front of people. I will give you much more attention if you talk quietly with me.
  • You do not try to discuss my behavior in the heat of a squabble. Obviously my hearing is not very good in that time and my cooperation is even worse. Is it right to behave as it should, but we must talk about with calmly.
  • You do not try preaching to me. You would be surprised to see how I know what is right and what is wrong.
  • You do not make me feel that my mistakes are sins. I have to learn to make mistakes without having the feeling of not being honest.
  • You do not muttering continuously. I must to do pretending to be deaf.
  • You do not demand explanations for my wrong behavior. I really do not know why I did.
  • You do not put too severely tested my sincerity. I am easily frightened, so much to tell lies.
  • You do not forget that I like to experiment. I learn from them, so please suffer.
  • You do not protect me from consequences. I need to learn from experience.
  • You do not look too my small upset: I could learn to enjoy poor health if it attracts your attention.
  • You do not silence me when I make honest questions. If you do, you will find that I stop asking and I will try my information elsewhere.
  • You do not respond at the questions silly or meaningless. I wish only to keep you busy with me.
  • You do not think, absolutely, to seem ridiculous if you excuse with me A real excuse makes me feel surprisingly warm towards you.
  • You do not say never be perfect or infallible. This gives me the excuse to not follow you.
  • You do not worry about the time that we spend together. The thing that matters is how we spend it.
  • Do not let my fears arouse my anxiety, because it then becomes more frightening. You tell me the courage.
  • Do not forget that I can not grow well without much understanding and encouragement, but I do not need to tell you, right?
  • You take care of me in the same way that you care for your friends, so it will also be your friend
  • Remember that I learn more from a sample that from a reprimand

From “The king’s Business magazine”


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Si chiama Pia ed è la nostra "roccia", ha aiutato veramente tante mamme (compresa la sottoscritta) con la sua lunghissima esperienza, dedizione e pazienza.

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Translucenza Nucale è l'unica applicazione esistente sul mercato android che vi aiuterà a interpretare correttamente i risultati dell'esame di Translucenza Nucale.

Con questa applicazione potrete verificare i vostri risultati in base a criteri scientifici e non opinioni.

Chi sono?

Per motivi di lavoro abbiamo viaggiato in Australia e in Norvegia dove attualmente viviamo. Rispetto allo stile di vita italiano abbiamo più tempo per i figli e siamo molto più sereni e rilassati anche se non abbiamo le nostre famiglie vicine e non viviamo negli agi.

Viaggiando e stando a contatto con altre culture diverse dalla nostra, ho imparato molto, prima di tutto il gioire delle piccole cose che la vita ti regala. Attraverso questo sito desidero essere utile in qualche modo, magari anche solo trasmettendo un po' di serenità.

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