Test. Are you ready for the big event?

This article is also available in Italian.

A simple test to find out how much you’re ready for the arrival of your child going through pregnancy and childbirth.

  1. How you and the future father, wait the big day?

  2. Have you decided how to give birth?

  3. Are you preparing physically for childbirth?

  4. Do you know how to prevent stretch marks?

  5. What is Nuchal Translucency?

  6. How do you get toxoplasmosis?

  7. Folic acid is assumed because it decreases the likelihood of:

  8. The Braxton Hicks contractions are:

  9. What is Breast Crawl?

  10. As we understand the needs of the child?

  11. Have you made plans on how to grow up your son / daughter?


  • Majority of a

    If you scored a majority of a, you are absolutely ready and prepared. If there are concerns as is normal, you’re facing them in the best way. If you do not find answers or feel the need, you can ask a question directly on the site. You are informed and are ready to begin a new journey with your child.
    We, meanwhile, are working so that the work of parents becomes easier.
  • Majority of b
    If you scored a majority of b, there are some steps that you must address in order to feel prepared and safe. Perhaps you’ve been misinformed and could find here the answers to your questions. Otherwise you can ask a question directly on the site. If you feel scared of giving birth, seek help from experts to peacefully addressing childbirth, it becomes less painful and labor becomes shorter. We are always available.
    Below you will find suggestions of readings you might like.
    Everything else you can search through the service tags.
  • Majority of c
    If you scored a majority of c, you’re not or you do not feel ready. You might not be interested in knowing every aspect of pregnancy, but knowing what awaits us is certainly a help to not be in panic in the most difficult time. You’ll find lots of information, broken down by trimesters, the articles: The stunning nine months (first, second and third trimester). If you feel scared of giving birth, seek help from experts to peacefully addressing childbirth, it becomes less painful and labor becomes shorter. We are always available also through the service of questions.


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Chi sono?

Per motivi di lavoro abbiamo viaggiato in Australia e in Norvegia dove attualmente viviamo. Rispetto allo stile di vita italiano abbiamo più tempo per i figli e siamo molto più sereni e rilassati anche se non abbiamo le nostre famiglie vicine e non viviamo negli agi.

Viaggiando e stando a contatto con altre culture diverse dalla nostra, ho imparato molto, prima di tutto il gioire delle piccole cose che la vita ti regala. Attraverso questo sito desidero essere utile in qualche modo, magari anche solo trasmettendo un po' di serenità.