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The disorder of ADHD is often mentioned for children are very active or do not sit quietly, but most often these children are completely normal. It’s easy to label a child with this disorder, but often he needs more attention, perhaps because more intelligent , is bored and needs new stimuli.
The following test can be performed for children ranging from 3 years to 10-11 years. Not it is applicable for adolescents and adults, because based on behavior of children of primary school.
Usually the disorder occurs around 3-4 years and the problem changes, sometimes serious, in situations such as entry into primary school, the greater complexity of school assignments, which require enormous new difficulties to deal.
During preadolescence the hyperactivity tends to diminish but may be partially replaced by internal agitation showing impatience and inability to maintain friendships.
During teens instead we can observe a slight diminution of inattention and hyperactivity. But this does not mean that the problem is resolved, because other problems can arise such as depression, anxiety or antisocial behavior.
This is a questionnaire called Scale of attention and hyperactivity disorder and is formulated by the group of Cesare Cornoldi for the evaluation of behavior typical of ADHD.
To determine if a child truly suffers from the inattention and hyperactivity disorder, this test is not sufficient, you need a thorough medical supervision, it is important to take stock of all the aspects that most concerned the child but also reflect on their family life looking to understand how they can be linked with the behavior of the child.
with the following test, parents must determine how often they occur, the behavior described, giving a score from 0 to 3.
Sum, separately, the scores of the equal items, and the odd item. If the sum of the odd is greater than 14, with a good chance your child has attention problems. If the sum of the equal is greater than 14, probably there will be problems of hyperactivity and impulsivity.
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